Beijing Industry And Commerce Carries Out A Check On "Fake Brand" Bags.
Most of the merchants sell luggage and leather goods, and a few sales. clothing And accessories. At present, fake products and quantities are being counted.
Dior satchel, Chanel single shoulder bag, Gucci belt, Cartier Watch...
Beijing The 7 stalls on sale of Wukesong large collection were checked, because the hundreds of famous brands they sold were fake. This morning, the Haidian branch of industry and Commerce conducted a centralized check on the "fake brand" of the Wukesong grand collection. The merchants of 7 stalls were punished for selling holidays.
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The quality problem is very critical. Chengdu industrial and commercial consumer tips, baby clothing label labels look carefully.
The quality of infant clothing is directly related to the healthy growth of babies. In April 2nd, Chengdu city commerce and Industry Bureau reminded children who choose to buy children's clothing should pay attention to the labels and instructions of clothing. Infants and young children's clothing must be marked with "baby products and category a". Because infants are at the early stage of development, their skin is delicate, and improper clothing is likely to pose a hidden danger to their safety and health. In addition to identifying the purchase of class a products, parents should pay attention to the following points when choosing infant clothing.
First, "smell", open the clothing packaging, first sniff the clothes smell, we must choose no smell (smell, gasoline flavor, kerosene flavor, fishy smell, etc.) products.
The two is "check". We should select the products that are standardized and complete. If the manufacturer's name, address, product name, product size and specification are used, the ingredients and contents of raw materials, washing method, product standard number, product quality grade, product quality inspection qualification certificate, safety category, "infant products" and so on shall be adopted. The products produced by regular factories are generally more standardized, and the quality of products is relatively good.
The three is "touch" and try to choose pure natural fiber products, such as pure cotton. Because of its delicate skin and poor self adjustment ability, cotton products are the first choice for infants and young children because of their soft handle, moisture absorption, breathability and comfortable clothing.
The four is "look". Pay attention to the appearance quality of clothing, such as whether the collar is straight and symmetrical, whether the door is straight or not, whether the flower pattern is consistent, and whether the fabric has obvious defects. Close fitting, try to choose light color products. Because the dyes of the dark products are easy to fall off, dye molecules or heavy metals (part of the dye) contained in the dye will be absorbed by the human body and endanger human health, while the color fastness of light color products is relatively better.
The five is "selection". Clothes should be dressed closely, and the products should be selected outside the clothes, so that they will not irritation the infant's skin due to friction and cause physical discomfort. Check whether the metal accessories of the clothes can be burdled by children, whether the zipper pull heads can not be unloaded, whether the zippers are smooth or not damaged or well articulation. Note that buttons should not be used for zippers at the front openings of the trousers; the choice of woven garments, necklines and hats should not be ropes or bands, and the length of other bands and bands should not exceed 14cm, so as not to pose a potential threat to the safety of infants and young children.
It is understood that infants and young children's clothing and clothing refers to the textile products that are worn or used by infants who are less than 36 months old. They are generally suitable for infants and young children under 100cm and below. It includes underwear, coats, pajamas, hoodies, socks, feet covers, hats, bib, belly girth, gloves, sleeping bags, scarf, bedding and so on. The society is paying more and more attention to it. In 2012, the relevant departments of the State specifically formulated the GB 18401-2010 "basic safety technical specification for national textile products", stipulating that infant textile products must meet the category a requirements in the standard, and stipulate that the words "baby products" must be marked on the instructions.
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